Our parliamentary experts are devoted to providing an extensive selection of meeting services.
All About Meetings Inc. has a wide range of meeting services including parliamentary procedure and minute-taking workshops, online education in parliamentary procedure, one-on-one presiding training, professional parliamentarian in attendance at annual meetings, facilitation of strategy sessions, and acting as an independent presiding officer for the organization. All of this delivered by experienced and expert parliamentarians.
The Value of
a meeting advisor
“Thank you very much for coming to share your wealth of knowledge with our Council and staff. I have received such positive feedback by all that were in attendance.”
– Municipal Clerk
Our Mission
To provide quality education in all elements of meeting practices for all types of organizations. To be the independent expert in the rules of the particular client and to allow officers, members and staff to participate in meetings that provide consistency in decision-making, is fair to all members, and saves time.
Our Vision
To accelerate the use of well-defined meeting rules and practices that are well-documented for use in any language and based on democratic values.
Our Values
Our company’s values are based on the democratic principles of the equality of people to participate safely and to make informed decisions in meetings; to provide individuals the freedom to act, that is properly tempered by rules of order at all levels; these principles are imbedded in all of our educational products.
The Value of
a meeting advisor
“I would like another board member to take advantage of this. It is excellent training that will be valuable for us. Jim is an outstanding parliamentarian and great workshop leader.”
– Director, Children’s Services